Friday, May 28, 2010

5/28-5/29- Getting Here (as written in my trusty moleskin)

I’m sitting in the airport waiting for my flight- 9 hours to Madrid then Athens. My bag was of course overweight (only by 1.5 pounds though) but the guy let it slide- win. I also have a giant carry on- i'm impressed i packed so light. For the flight I bought some classics (water, salt/pepper chips, m&ms, and gummy bears). I’m sad to be leaving home because I don’t think I’ll have another full summer in Dallas- I’ll probably be working future summers. It’s also kind of scary going for 2 months to a totally different place with no safety net. I should have read up more on Greece or at least learned a few greek words- I tried to but gave up when I couldn’t pronounce anything. Also worried about packing- it’s hard to get an appropriate ratio of work:day:night:party clothes in one suitcase (*I think I did it pretty well except I didn’t bring sneakers…which was a tragic idea and bought some here). I hope it’s a good/meaningful experience! Kind of like when I went to Yale I'm nervous in part because everyone keeps telling me this will be amazing- so I hope it doesn't disappoint/I can make the most of it- go big or go home.

On the plane- I have an aisle seat. Nice. Good selection of movies too- shutter island/bride wars. My suit case is on the other side of the plane (there are three sections of seats per row) so it’s going to be a pain getting it down.A lot of people on the plane are Spanish- it’s funny how you can immediately tell who is European vs American by the way they look, dress, and act (and obviously the language).

Still traveling- I feel bad I freaked out and called home at 3:30 am. My flight got in at 10:45 the next one left at 11:40 my gate was 30 minutes away not including the giant lines at customs and security. I sprinted and barely made it- I was the second to last person to get on the plane. I’m exhausted but I’m going to land midday in Athens and have to dive right in. my biggest concern is finding dinner. What if the suitemates have already eaten? Should I cook? I NEED my food haha. Also I realized I’m wearing roughly the same outfit as my first day at yale (when I arrived for Foot)- green v neck j crew shirt and jeans. It’s strange being abroad/in Europe without the fam- it’s nice though because I can at least follow some conversations in Spanish. It’s crazy how easy it is to travel- 9 hours and I’m in Madrid. Fun fact: there are 12 olive trees per person in Greece per my guidebook (from 2009). I'm going to miss Snapple/Snapple facts.

In the apartment and unpacked. All of us are calling it an early day- all of us went to sleep at 9 without even eating dinner, which I am kind of sad about. It’s a little isolating because it's just the three of us- my suitemates are really nice. One of them fixed the wireless for us. The two others (angela and marj) also went shopping for some basic groceries- which means about 8 boxes of pasta and two bags of cereal. I still haven’t met most of the other people on the trip though since they live in other apartments.

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