Friday, June 25, 2010

6/25-6/27- Partying and sleeping

Friday we chilled with people in our group for a bit. They weren’t planning to go out. Liz/Marj/I ended up leaving around 11:30. We wandered around Gazi (young student area). There are tons of bars and clubs. It’s weird- in Athens most of the big clubs relocate to the beaches (Glyfada, Pireaus) during the summer- so that’s kind of a pain.We finally picked a club/bar (socialista). Dancing hadn’t really started (it usually only starts around 3 or 4…the Greeks are crazy partyers I don’t know how they have the energy/don’t get sleepy- we stayed out till 3:30 that night). We ended up talking with these guys and turns out they were highschool classmates with Stefano (a friend of mine in Davenport). One of them is in love with Marj and texted/called her the next weekend.

The next day Angela/Liz went to Olympia. I stayed in Athens. Marj was super super sick Saturday. I stayed in most of Saturday- too lazy to cook much other than pasta. Caught up on some TV shows haha. Saturday night I met up with Cynthia. We watched the US/Ghana game. Then her cousin took us to this really nice bar/lounge/club in Glyfada. It was crazy- he had to make reservations for us. The club was open by the coast and had a huge pool in it. Probably a few hundred people were there- they had confetti, dancers, and fireworks. Also Cynthia overheard someone say she was actually from the Jersey Shore (and she looked it)- so total win. It was this weekend I started really getting into dance/electronic music. We stayed out till 6 am (I had to wait for them to get a ride). Cynthia and I were EXHAUSTED. We were basically falling asleep on each other.

Sunday I decided not to be as lazy as I was on Saturday. I did groceries and then went to the acropolis museum. The acropolis museum is very nicely laid out. It’s cool- it has transparent panels through which you can see an archaeological sight below the museum. They also have a great sort of introductory exhibit which allows you to get a good idea of the times. It’s three floors. They have moved most of the acropolis statutes into the museum- so saw lots of coins and statutes. The top floor has a beautiful view of the acropolis. It also has the frieze (a reconstructed version and the real one) that used to run around the top of the Acropolis. They also have models of the pediments (and the statues left). It’s crazy! It’s kind of sad because much more modern buildings get a lot of credit for being gorgeous/awe inspiring like palace in England, France, Spain, and Italy. But the Acropolis is so much older it’s almost unfair to compare them. The original Acropolis must have been insanely gorgeous and imposing. They had a nice, short film on the building of the Acropolis too. Wandered the nearby area- watched a bit of the Germany/England game. For dinner I made a delicious shrimp fried rice stir fry with mushrooms, eggplant, onions, ginger, chili sauce, and soy sauce.

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