Saturday, July 17, 2010

7/16-7/18 Weekend in Athens

Friday 7/16

Dinner was spectacular. Angela went to another play at Epidarus, so Marj/I cooked. We made chicken (dijon/horseradish mustard, rosemary, balsamic) with garlic mashed potatoes (instant mash, dijon/horseradish mustard, garlic). Then we did a spinach/onion/garlic saute. We also made a white sangria (turned pink) with grapefruit, apricots, cherries, wine, peach champagne. Excellent dinner. Had a nice chit chat with mommy- miss you guys! Masti is looking super cute!

Then our group met up and a Yale 2012 Athens person joined us. We went to a club in Glyfada where we met Zheela's friends (from worlds debate in hs). It was a lot of fun- it was amazing because we could be like i'm tired want to go into the water? And then just go and wade/dance in the water (my feet were very sandy).

7/17 Saturday

Giant sales started in Greece on the 15th- nationwide. So Marj/I went to Ermou (big shopping street through Monistiraki/Syntagma). First we went on a bit of a hunt to buy tickets for Aida (yay! you can't be student ones online). On our way we saw the changing of the guard- it was cool. They have ridiculous shoes. Then we went shopping! I got a dress (high wasted band, gray tank top, blue floral print bottom) on sale at Zara. There was also a black shirt dress I was tempted by at H&M- but didn't get (don't really want one in black, but it was only 10 euros...). Got lunch- I had a Caesar salad. Then we did shoe shopping (I really want a pair of sandals). There were several almost pairs that I really liked but weren't perfect. In particular there was a brown leather with a orange brown braided strap around the ankle, a strip going down the foot and two piece of leather across- it also had a back. It didn't have the t-strap between your toes though and my foot didn't slide that much but enough to make it annoying. Sadness. There was also a nice pair of Geox- brown with copper studs and the horseshoe shape strap. It had a back and really thick sole. It was also like 50% off. Sadly the ankle strap was too big for me and more holes couldn't be added due to the design.

Then went to chocolate heaven- a row of chocolate shops. Most were closed though. So we stopped by a bakery in Syntagma and got pistachio baklava which was quite delightful! Then Marj/I went grocery shopping. We were going to get the fresh salmon that looked really good (sweet chili salmon, soy ginger rice, saute green beans with garlic and onions), but it was expensive-ish. So we opted to go for the stuffed peppers route. Ground turkey meat (garlic, onion, banana peppers, mushrooms, cheese, paprika flakes, black pepper, salt, cumin, oregano) mixed with tomatoes and spinach (the pack we got accidentally had some rice, dill, onion, celery in it which was actually fantastic). Mixed it with rice (finally got basmati, oh how i miss it). Just stuffed the peppers and are currently waiting for them to be done! So excited. The peppers were better than last time...YUMMMM.

All of us were then way too tired to go out (we got back at 6 am the previous day)- so we watched tv/random videos/talked. I tend to make a lot of random noises- and angela sent this to me saying I reminded her of the ibex. Sadly or awesomely I really do sound like it:


Woke up- went for the 11 o'clock sunday changing of the guard. This one is the big one- they have a band, giant group of people marching, and wear the formal outfits (400 pleats in a skirt for the 400 years of oppression). Then went shopping in Monistaraki/Plaka- such a success. Got perfect gifts for everyone! I'm super excited found a pandora store and found an athenian owl charm and then found a knock off with an evil eye charm! Perfect! because the pandora evil eye was 50 dollars...way too much. Had souvlaki on souvlaki row in monistiraki, did some grocery shopping, and now nap! I think we're going to do stuffed tomatoes (we have left over stuffing) and then some veggies on the side (we got eggplant- marj doesn't like eggplant but she's out today). Also meeting the group/pre-frosh for drinks I think at 9.

False on all accounts! Marj did get back pretty early! So around 6 we all left for the Agora- which was really cool. Agora was like downtown ancient athens- they had government buildings, temples, monuments, places where shoe stalls used to be (this really spoke to me given my recent quest for shoes). By the time we were done it was eight- we wandered around that area (monistiraki) for a bit. We were all too tired to meet up with the group/go out. So instead we went to noodle bar and got take out (we all got delicious sweet chili cashew noodles) and watched Troy at home (we got Troy, mean girls, and the prestige at a flea market). It was great! We were too tired to finish troy- so we paused it half way. All those dinners/partying/shopping are definitely catching up- so it was awesome to be able to sleep.

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